For residency at Heritage Place, individuals must be 65 or older unless a spouse living with a senior who is 65 or older.
As residents age in place and require extra assistance to remain independent, they may contract Assisted Living personal care services from Heritage Place or their choice of caregiver. Assisted Living is, by definition, semi-independent living.
Residents with memory challenges may reside at Heritage Place as long as they can make the appropriate decisions to keep themselves and others at Heritage Place safe. An exception is one who is living with a willing and able spouse or other caregiver who will make decisions for that resident.
It is a requirement that each Heritage Place resident appoint a sponsor who agrees, in contract, to assist Heritage Place in supporting the needs of the resident. Should the resident require help with finances or in arranging for extra services, the sponsor agrees to provide that assistance. It is also a requirement that each resident provide a copy of any Representation Agreement or Advance Health Directive that the resident has executed.
The Residency Agreement is a month-to-month rental agreement with 30 days notice required from either party. The monthly rent is not subject to GST. The rent includes the Hospitality Package but not the cost of Assisted Living services.